SUBJECT: Lesson #11 - The Best Kept Success Secret {!firstname_fix} It's time you understand that the absolute easiest and most profitable way to get things done in business is to get help. It's all about the contacts you make. Trying to make it alone and fighting against the odds is what you've been taught, but it's wrong. You need help. How often do you take the time to build relationships online? The answer to that question will determine how far you get. I constantly search out new friends and business associates because I know that there will come a time when I will need or want their help and vice versa. When you actively seek out relationships with others in your market you automatically open yourself up to opportunities that the average businessperson would easily miss because they’re out of the loop. Examples: There are a lot of products I didn't have to buy because their creators who happen to be friends of mine gave me access so that I could help them with any design and marketing strategy questions they had. I have over 15 gigs worth of various digital products I got free. This also puts me in a position to work with these same marketers on future projects, which is always a good position to be in. Joint Ventures are extremely easy to get going because I can always contact the people I've worked with in the past to do more deals. Having to constantly search out new people to work with costs you time that you could have been using to make money. Setting up joint ventures is just a simple matter of sending out a few emails to people who are already used to hearing from me. There are many services that others routinely pay for that I get for free or at a deeply discounted price because of the contacts I've established over the years. That's why they'll sometimes perform services for me without the need for money exchanging hands. They know that when my area of expertise is needed... I'll gladly help. The right relationships mean more money. Having contacts just for the sake of having them is worthless. You need to make the *right* contacts. You need to build relationships with people who can help you get to where you want to be. But... in order to do that you must have something valuable to offer in return. There's only so much a friend will help you do. You will need to offer a valuable service in return for the one you want from your contact. That's just the way it works. If you don't have the money to get things done then you need to get creative. You don't have to do everything yourself. Search for people who know how to do what you want done and strike up a conversation with them. There are actually people out there who love to create products, but don't care too much for marketing and people who love marketing and don't care much for creating products. There are things that you do that other people either don't know how to or care to do on their own. This is where you step in and form a mutually beneficial relationship. An added benefit of making the *right* contacts is that even if you can't find someone to do what you need done for free, some of your contacts will know where to get quality work done through "hidden" channels at prices not revealed to just anyone. You have to be on the "inside" to get this kind of info. You’ve got to get it out of your head that everyone is your competitor because competition is not really an issue once you understand that if you’re willing to go above and beyond what everyone else is willing to do for their customers, competition is extremely light. Bottom line: Once you have good contacts in place you can easily get projects off the ground while those who are trying to do everything themselves struggle for months if not years. It's the difference between having to spend $1,000 to get something done and having your contacts offer to do the exact same work for almost nothing. I guess it really comes down to one question... "Do you want to put yourself ahead of the competition?" To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK