SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - The Myth Of Effortless Success {!firstname_fix} How many moneymaking, supposedly life-altering packages have you bought in the last few months or years? Do you now have the success you bought those packages to achieve? Maybe you do or maybe you don’t. I'll let you in on a little secret. Almost anyone can make money using any of the moneymaking packages you'll find on the net. People do it every single day. The reason is because they understand that nothing magical will happen just because they bought the latest and greatest do all/be all, either get it or your life will be ruined product of the century. These people understand that consistent effort is what will set them apart from the thousands who get nothing from the very same products they use to make more in a month than most people make in a year. You would be surprised to know the kind of money some people are making with simple products that others say are worthless. It's your mentality that counts. How you think about the world around you determines your reality in it. Not everyone walking around on this planet operates from the same reality you do. People with failing businesses “know” it’s hard to get to the top and people at the top “know” it’s easy for anyone to get to the top if they’re willing to work hard on the right things to get there. Many of the obstacles holding you back were placed there by you and what you believe to be true. A lot of times, you may be the one who is creating the very “rut” you complain about being in. Now right about now you’re probably saying, “Where does you get off telling me I’m standing in my own way of success” but really I’m saying a lot more than that. It’s not really your fault because you’re probably blind to the truth. Working hard is only part of the equation. You can try twisting a screw into a board with your fingers as hard as you can all day long but I think you’d probably be better of using a screwdriver. In other words working hard in the wrong way won’t get anything done even though there’s the appearance of action. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK