SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - Time To Take Off The Tunnel Vision Glasses {!firstname_fix} We Internet marketers have a tendency to get tunnel vision and only see other Internet marketers when we want to learn what to do. The problem is that the Internet marketer(s) you choose to learn from likely learned from other Internet marketers who (you guessed it) learned from other Internet marketers. Dan Kennedy calls this marketing incest and it could be the biggest reason why your success has been put on hold. What I mean by marketing incest here is doing what every other marketer is doing instead of thinking for yourself. Is There Anything You Can Do About it? Of course. There’s always something you can do about everything in any situation. May not always be your first choice but you can always do something. One thing I do is spend time looking for products I’m interested in (anything not related to Internet marketing) just to see how other businesses in markets not related to mine try and sell me their goods. That’s how I came up with one of my main concepts. Think about this. Let’s say you have a tractor and you use it to work your farm, which is what produces the income you live off of. When your tractor wears out a part (and it will) seeing as how it is the vehicle you consistently use to put food on the table, wouldn’t you go out and look for a store that sells the part(s) you need? Yeah, you would. Ok, now when you walk into the store, do the sales people need to sell you on the benefits of getting your tractor fixed? No. You already knew the benefits before you walked through the door. You already have money in your hands and are looking to give it to the first sales person who finds the part you need to help you get back to doing what you already want to do. Make sense? If not, everything will get a lot clearer soon enough. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK