SUBJECT: Lesson #8 - The Easy Way To Find Money (Part 2 of 2) {!firstname_fix} Remember what I said about how easy it is to help people move in the direction they're already headed in? Well, if people have their minds completely made up to promote a particular product then why not help them find more ways to do it? You could for example create (or hire someone to create) a simple series of 5-7 articles promoting that product and then sell the reprint rights to your email series at $10-20 a pop. Sell just 50 copies of your eCourse and you've made $500-$1,000 for something that should only take you a day or two in setup time. You don't have to worry about researching a niche, creating a huge product, managing affiliates, setting up joint ventures or any of that. And, you can set it all up so that pays you immediately whenever you make a sale because instant cash is always great. The best part is that you don't have to find out if there's a demand for your information because you can clearly see that there is just from the sheer number of places you see promoting the product you're going to create an email series to endorse. All people really want is an easy way to do more of what they've already set their mind on doing. Sign up for as many newsletters as you want and whenever you get a flood of emails promoting a particular product, instead of getting mad and rushing to the delete button, just smile and remember what I said. Help people go where they’re already trying to go. Pretty much anyone interested in promoting the product you're getting all the emails on will snatch up the reprint rights to your email series without a long sales letter or any heavy convincing. They’re already headed in a particular direction and will see your product offering as a “vehicle” to help them get there faster. --------------------- Two easy ways to get traffic to your offer... • Send out an email to your list announcing that you have a new email series for sale promoting a new product they're probably already interested in. • Contact publishers and offer them reprint rights to your email course for free. The reason this is a good idea is because you'll be building a list you can send out your next offer to so it's worth giving your email course away to people who can reach thousands of other people who will be interested in your future offers. Just make sure your emails link back to your site through your copyright notice at the bottom. --------------------- The beauty of this idea is that you can do it several times a month and every time you do, you build a list of people who will look forward to the next email series you create. You would be able to make money whenever you wanted with a few simple emails to your list. If you're interested in putting a little more effort into this you could create a monthly membership site where you offer promotional tools for the latest products to hit the market. It's up to you. You can put as little or as much effort into this strategy as you want and still make it work for you. Opportunities for profit are literally everywhere you look if you consistently keep an open mind. Just remember to keep your mind open to ways you can use the concept of helping push people in the direction they are already headed in so you can make more money. That’s my “hitch-a-ride” concept. It’s much easier to hitch a ride with someone to somewhere they’re already going instead of trying to get them to take you where you want to go, which may be in the opposite direction. You’ll encounter a lot of resistance that way. A lot of times, that’s what we (as marketers) do. We try to convince people to do things we want them to do (like buy from us) instead of showing them how our products can help them get to the destination they’ve already picked out in their heads. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK