re: Earn $100k a Year to Help Businesses get Traffic? (here's how...) RE: Get paid for ranking keywords for others?... REMINDER: 5-Figures a Year to Boost Offline Business SEO Rankings? (details inside...) Are there any benefits to helping offline businesses? You bet! Let me point them out to you... 1. You instantly deliver more value offline than you do online. Therefore even an asking price of $497 for a one-off fix (which may be expensive online) would seem like a great deal for them. 2. You build a real-world working relationship with offline businesses. Because you deliver what you've promised, they will want more of your excellent services such as helping them maintain their position in the search engine, advising them with pay-per-click and even building an online store! 3. A chance to build recurring income! As you may already know, keeping a website at the top of the search engines requires a constant build-up of backlinks over time. If the offline business you're helping have benefitted from high rankings who do you think they'll turn to in order to keep them at the top? YOUR LINK?l The big misconception I hear from offline business owners is that they don't need a website because they aren't selling online. Now as tons of people are using the internet, and even doing their research about a business before buying from them, it is vital for offline brick and mortar businesses to access these searchers. So if their competition knows how to use this, they will soon be wiped off. For many offline business owners, this is a secret, and they don't understand it and that's where you come in. In any economy, recession or booming, businesses must turn to marketing to find their customers... and that's why during a bad economy, so many businesses with this attitude of not needing a website... FAIL! This big need will allow you to tap into offline business markets that will beg you for your help and because there are thousands among thousands of offline businesses in a down economy, you maybe even their last resort! This course was made for online marketers who want to sell services to offline business to help them rank better in Google and other search engines. This step by step course takes you by the hand and shows you how to perform very simple services for offline businesses that can land you a couple thousand dollars, and help them get more customers! It's a win-win situation! If that sounds like something you'd be interested in then check out the link below... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME