SUBJECT: SEO Lesson #5 - 3 No-Nos When Building Backlinks {!firstname_fix} When it comes to building back-links there's a right and a wrong way of doing them. The search engines like Google rank the order of sites according to the amount of links it receives. Normally a site would generate links naturally because it has good content and visitors would bookmark them on their social bookmarks as well as link to the source from their site. These are all NATURAL linking methods which the search engines love. However, there are those who build links the synthetic way just to stay at the top which do have their repercussions. Here are 3 big no-no's when it comes to building links, either for your own site or someone else’s! 1. Mass Link Packages There are people out there selling link packages that are not even worth a mention. Most of the time they blast ads out to classified directories or other spam filled network. These links are the equivalent of buying spam email lists. Don't do it. Your links might end up on banned sites that can really hurt your Google image. 2. Link Exchanges Back in the day, exchanging links was the main SEO link building strategy. You link to me, I link to you and we both win. Right? Wrong! Google caught on to this when hundreds of link farms opened up. Google can easily trace reciprocal links and they simply don't count for much anymore. Getting links from big link exchange networks can actually hurt you. 3. Linking From Non-Indexed Sites Most people who spend hours building those free back links make the of building links on non-indexed sites. For your back links to count, the page on which you have your link has to be indexed. Having links on non-indexed pages means nothing. It's a waste of time. Watch the full videos below to see how to optimize websites the right way... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME