SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - The OTO *Pressure* Effect {!firstname_fix} A one time offer in form should be simple, direct, to the point, and most importantly, answer the following question with command: “Why do I need this product or service?” This is the question your customers are going to ask themselves while reading your sales letter for the OTO or hearing your OTO offer on audio or video. Regardless of the mode of delivery, the simple fact remains that you must give your customer a real reason why your offer is one they can’t turn down. The most common answer to the above question marketers provide is the price can’t be beat, and never to be seen again. By combining a special price with a ticking clock, one is forced to make a choice for the long term if the offer is right for them. Just because this is the most frequent way an OTO is shaped to answer that burning question of yours as to why you’d need it, does not mean it’s the best method. Before getting into other OTO selling point concepts, it is important to look at how the best do their OTO’s that are themed around price and time to make a choice. My father always said he’d never make a choice with a gun to his head. This meant that he understood the power of high pressure situations, and didn’t want to make an impulse decision. Think about it, this is the same thing that the OTO is trying to get you to do, make a choice with the gun to your head. Instead of a gun it’s actually a stopwatch that counts down till the offer is up. Why make your prospect feel uncomfortable and pressure them - that doesn’t sound nice does it? Of course not, the concept behind the OTO is to get your prospect to TAKE ACTION, thus having them throw the logic and budget concerns out the door. Find out how you can create your own hot-selling one- time offers yourself, even if you've never created one before!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME