SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - How To Theme Your One-Time Offer {!firstname_fix} One of the most important things to keep in mind when dreaming up your OTO is the theme of the offer. If you’re selling e-books about dating, and present the customer with an OTO for gourmet coffee, understand that your OTO is in trouble, and will not convert well at all. Instead you’d want to offer a membership to a dating website that offered expert advice, counseling, etc. The first OTO type we’re going to look at is OTO’s that are themed with a previous offer. To theme an OTO towards a previous offer is a natural and positive thing to do when one has something more to offer. Not everyone has something positive to offer, and you must make sure your offer has more value than the product or service that the individual is or was about to purchase. The OTO that has a previous theme, especially with those that are leaving a site without purchasing, has a much better rate of success than any other. A themed OTO you’ve all probably seen is that of the popcorn upgrade. If you’ve ever been to a movie in the past several years you’ve encountered the proposition to upgrade from the medium popcorn you just ordered to a large for just 50 cents more. I’m not sure about conversion rates on that OTO, but it’s probably pretty high. The reason it does well is because people can justify the value of the popcorn, after all it’s just 50 more cents. Take the same principle of the themed popcorn offer and apply it to something you’re more likely to be selling, like an e-book. If you sell an e-book on the health benefits of drinking water, it might make sense to offer your customer a discount on a water purifier, or a set of drinking glasses. This is a little different since you’ve gone from information products to physical products, but the fact remains that people would find this of value for the most part, and give it a shot. If you don’t feel like shipping the product, just include an affiliate link to a major retailer like Amazon or eBay :) More on that in the full course! YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME