SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - How *NOT* To Create An OTO! {!firstname_fix}, A themed OTO after the sale is made that does not work is one that is over priced or under valued. This is typically found when you purchase something for a few dollars, and are asked if you want to upgrade to something else for a thousand dollars. The mind is not able to handle that type of budgetary swing. You’ve just committed to a few hundred dollars to purchase the product, and now you’re being asked to toss another thousand on top of that? Forget it. That OTO would never work, and thus one must only offer OTO’s that fit the theme, both in category of product, and in price of product. Guru’s are famous for their OTO’s. One guru seems to have an OTO for every one of his 50 websites. Some are compelling, some are not. Some make me want to take action, others don’t. But I have to give respect to that guru for making it a point to put an OTO on whatever product is released with his name on it, even if it’s free! Find out how you can create your own hot-selling one- time offers yourself, even if you've never created one before!... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME