SUBJECT: Outsourcing Lesson #4 - How To Outsource Tasks {!firstname_fix} How are you? We're winding down to the end of this short course. But we still need to go over a few things. That is why today we are going to jump right in and talk about how to outsource business tasks without being taken advantage of in the process. There are many who tout the advantages of outsourcing (including myself) as essentially a secret to success. As we have discussed there are certainly a number of distinct advantages to the process of outsourcing. Some of the most notable advantages include cost reductions, reduced workload, increased possibility for profit and the existence of a larger workforce without maintaining a staff of salaried employees. All of these incredible advantages may make outsourcing seem as though it is an ideal resource in all situations but as with most things in business, this is not true. To protect yourself and your business from being outsmarted there are certain precautions which should be taken when outsourcing any project. It is important to be mindful of these precautions when outsourcing a project to ensure the project runs smoothly and you get what you pay for. 1. Verify Candidate Qualifications When outsourcing a task or project to an individual, care should be taken to screen all applicants carefully before deciding to outsource the work. This is important because you want to be sure to outsource the work to a qualified individual. Awarding a project to an unqualified individual can be a costly mistake if they turn in subpar work at the conclusion of the project. It can also be costly if it results in unnecessary delays or setbacks as a result of the lack of qualifications. One way to avoid being outsmarted by fancy resumes hyping the accomplishments of an individual is to verify all of the information on the resume before awarding the project. This may entail contacting previous employers as well as references to determine the capabilities and work ethic of the individual. Taking the time to verify the information on the resume can help to ensure the individual you outsource the work to is truly qualified to complete the project. 2. Outline Project Requirements Carefully When outsourcing a project it is important to be very clear in outlining the project requirements. This is important so both the client and the independent contractor understand all of the requirements of the outsourced project. Preparing contract documents stating the exact project details and compensation to be provided is a good idea as well. Taking this extra precaution will ensure the client does not have to pay fees until the contract specifications are met. A contract can also be helpful if disputes arise and mediation is required to resolve the conflicts. Additionally, it is wise to include information regarding the required deliverables in the contract documents. This should include the exact end product which should be submitted. In this portion of the document the client can specify information regarding whether they require the project submitted as a hard copy of the completed project, a soft copy of the completed project or both. 3. Schedule Periodic Milestone Meetings Regularly scheduled progress status meetings are very important when a project is outsourced. These meetings should be scheduled often enough to ensure the project does not fall too far behind schedule during any one phase of the project. These meetings can be helpful to both the client and the independent contractor. The client will benefit because they will remain in control of the project and can intervene if the independent contractor is heading in the wrong direction with the project. These meetings are also beneficial to the independent contractor because they can prevent him from being caught by surprise at the conclusion of the project if he misinterpreted the project requirements. It is important to keep these things in mind when you are selecting and working with an outsourced professional. Before we close this lesson I want to leave you with a quick list including several things that you should include in your job description when posting your projects on job sites. This will help ensure that you are selecting the right person for the project. As I mentioned above you have to make all of the project details very clear. Write down everything you that expect in your job description. These are some of the things your project post should cover: - The nature of your work - The amount of work in total - Any milestones, like if you want the work to be completed in small chunks and within what frame of time - The time you can give for the completion of the whole project - The price you are willing to pay - Any special qualifications you are looking for in your employees - Any characteristics that you don’t want in your employees - Special points that you will need to make your decision, such as samples. When you take time to spell out as many details as possible, you can be almost sure that you will get the right people bidding on your work. You will also want to make sure that you post the project in the right category. People will get alerts based on the categories they have applied for. Make sure to check out samples of their work. If you require an original sample, you can mention that in your project post. This can help you weed out less serious applicants and narrow down the right candidate for the job. You may also consider posting several short-term projects initially. This can help you build up a good reputation of trust with employees. Here are a few more tips for choosing people with the right qualifications: - The quality of their work, which you can see through their samples. - The ratings and reviews they have obtained on the site. - Their responsiveness – It is very important they respond to your emails quickly and it is best if they have an instant messaging id that they can use. - Their pricing – Price shouldn't be an important factor unless you are working on a budget. Once you get a good professional, make sure you pay them promptly and give them reviews according to their work. This helps ensure that they will stay with you longer and you won't have to undergo the process of repeatedly looking for new employees. I hope today's lesson was helpful to you. Don't forget to keep an eye out for my next email. There will be some great stuff in your last lesson. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK