SUBJECT: Outsourcing Lesson #5 - When Not To Outsource {!firstname_fix} Well, we have come to the final lesson in the Understanding Outsourcing crash course. I sure hope you have enjoyed your lessons and learned a lot about what outsourcing can do for your business. In this last lesson we are going to switch gears and talk about when outsourcing is not a good idea for your business. As we have been discussing over the last few lessons, outsourcing can be very beneficial for a number of reasons. Some of these benefits include reduced labor costs, larger workforces, access to industry experts and increased flexibility. However, despite the obvious advantages to outsourcing there are a number of scenarios where outsourcing is not a viable business option. In these situations it is best to keep the work in-house rather than attempting to make an outsourcing situation work. As we have learned one of the primary advantages of outsourcing is cost reduction. In many cases outsourcing results in reduced labor costs because costs such as social security, health care and workers’ compensation are eliminated. Additionally, the increased efficiency resulting when tasks are outsourced to industry experts can also result in a cost reduction. Despite the many opportunities for cost reductions, there are some situations where outsourcing might be the more expensive alternative and it may also lead to a financial loss instead of a gain. This may include a situation where the cost of outsourcing to a highly specialized expert exceeds the budget for the project. Fees for individuals with highly specialized degrees or areas of expertise are often quite expensive. Another possible situation is one where finding an individual qualified to complete specialized tasks would be too expensive of a process. Another scenario is when outsourcing causes you to lose control. Even when tasks or projects are outsourced the company responsible for the work likes to continue to manage the project and keep close tabs on the progress of tasks. It is important for your business to continue to manage the project even after it has been outsourced because they are the ones who are ultimately responsible for the successful completion of the project. Whenever an individual or business wants to deny the company access to project files or documents, outsourcing is a bad idea. The business who has the vested interest in the outcome of the project should never be excluded from participating in making decisions regarding the project. Before outsourcing a task or project care should be taken to establish criteria for the management of the project. Depending on the length and complexity of the project it may also be wise to schedule regular meetings to provide updates on the progress of the project. During this time the contractor should provide the employer (you) with all documentation necessary to evaluate the progress of the project and verify it is still on track for completion by the established deadline. You will also find time when outsourcing is not permitted and it is not a good idea simply because it is not permitted by contract requirements. Some project contracts may have stipulations stating the work cannot be outsourced to an individual or to another company. Inserting such a clause into a contract document is well within the rights of the clients. When they hire a particular company to complete a project or task, they expect all work related to the project or task to be completed by members of that company unless they specified otherwise when negotiating the contract. Violating the contract documents in this situation is not a good idea. The company could be penalized by the client. Penalties may include withholding payment or refusing to award future projects or tasks to the company. Deciding whether or not to outsource particular tasks is one of the many important decisions both large and small businesses often have to make. It can be a difficult decision at times. It is important to consider all of the tasks involved before you make the final decision to outsource certain business projects. Situations in which your in-house staff is not qualified for the tasks, when your in- house staff is overburdened and when there are specific client requirements and tasks must be completed by individuals with specific qualifications are all valid reasons to choose outsourcing as an option. Before we finish up this last lesson I want to leave you with a quick recap of three basic guidelines for outsourcing your own projects: - Select Qualified Candidates Carefully One way to greatly simplify the process of outsourcing is to give special consideration to selecting a qualified candidate to complete the outsourced tasks. This is important because outsourcing the project to an individual who is qualified to complete the tasks and motivated to do a good job will make the outsourcing endeavor more likely to be successful. To find the right candidate for the job, place advertisements outlining the project requirements and preferences and carefully review each application which is submitted. Immediately disregard applicants who are not qualified for the position. Then review the applications of qualified candidates carefully and select a small group of the most promising candidates. Next interview each of these candidates and verify their references and passed work experiences to learn more about these candidates and their abilities and work ethics. After interviewing these candidates it is time to make a decision regarding hiring one of the final candidates. Do not be discouraged if none of the final candidates seemed right for the job because you are under no obligation to hire any of them. You can continue your search for a qualified candidate by placing your job advertisement again and soliciting new responses. - Establish Definite Requirements When outsourcing a project or tasks, it is important to clearly define the project requirements. This is critical because it is important for the contractor to fully understand the tasks which are being outsourced to ensure he is fulfilling all of the requirements and completing the task in a satisfactory manner. Failure to establish definite project requirements and goals can lead to a great deal of problems when outsourcing a project. The contractor may feel as though he has completed the project as it was outlined but the employer may disagree. When this happens there can be harmful delays until the issues can be resolved amicably. In the case that this is not possible it might be necessary to employ the assistance of a mediator to evaluate the contract documents and the work produced to determine if the contract terms were met. - Establish a Firm Deadline Another important element of outsourcing is establishing a firm deadline for the project. This is important to avoid misunderstandings and to prevent late submissions of work. Setting milestone goals is also important because it gives the employer the ability to evaluate the progress of the contractor during different stages of the project and to ensure it is proceeding according to schedule. Ideally the deadline should be established before the candidate is chosen. This is important because this enables the employer to verify that the contractor is available for the duration of the project. Schedule should be discussed early in the process of selecting a candidate to avoid selecting an ideal candidate only to find out he is unavailable when his services are required. As we close this final lesson I would like to thank you again for joining me and I sincerely hope that you have learned a lot about whether or not outsourcing can help your business grow! Even though we have come to the end of the short course please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how to effectively outsource your own projects. I will be glad to assist you in anyway that I can. Best of luck to you in all of your outsourcing ventures. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK