6 Steps to Creating Traffic-Sucking Press Releases... Get More Traffic, Product Exposure and More Sales in YEAR (here's how...) Quick and Easy Formula to Proft from Press Releases... The debate may continue with some online marketers, not with me, because I know from experience Press Releases drive targeted traffic - Period. Imagine, if you will, the following... You have a product you already know sells very well online. And you desire to get that product in front of as many eyes as you possible can. Once this happens you know there is some money to be made. So, what is the best, and fastest, way to spread your message? Answer... Press releases. YOUR LINK?l Why?... Because press releases will send visitors pre-disposed to look closely at your offer. After all, this type of web searcher is already looking for the information you have written about in your press release. Otherwise they never would have taken the time to read the release. Right? Here's another way to view a press release... an article. You already know that article marketing is 'gold' for driving targeted traffic. Press Releases are like article marketing on Steroids! And this is because your press release is given greater weight by readers since most press releases found online are attached to reputable sites that... ...by default lend tremendous authority to your Press Release. The very nature of these 3rd party sites gives you expert status. And readers want what you have. People visiting your site then are highly targeted ready buyers and they don't even realize it! It almost seems diabolical how press releases can increase your sales overnight. YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME P.S. See for yourself if "Press Releases For Newbies" can make the difference you need for beating the competition.