SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - What Is PLR? {!firstname_fix} PLR or Private Label Rights are a fantastic concept. Initially, the concept was applied to offline stores and was brought online a few years ago. Several people claim to be the originators of the online term and process, but no one is totally sure who actually brought it online. Think about your last visit to a supermarket. How many supermarket own brand products did you see and / or buy? Most supermarkets have pretty much every product available as an own brand product at a discount to the leading brands. These are private label products. Yep, you can buy private label canned beans! It is actually an incredibly lucrative market and was invented by a company who were trying to think of how to increase their market share for their canned produce and then came up with the idea of allowing supermarkets to white label their products. They made a fortune and changed the face of supermarket shopping. The same concept applies online with people selling private label rights to products that you can buy and call your own to do with as you please (so long as the rights permit it). You are buying a product that someone else has created and are selling it as your own. You pay them once and then keep all the profits for yourself. You never pay them a penny for royalties or anything. It is a very good way for you to get your hands on high quality products very cheaply. To get an e-book ghost written for you can cost between $500 and $1000 depending on the quality and length. To buy a PLR e-book of similar quality and length could cost you as little as twenty bucks. You can see it is a massive discount on the original cost and provides you with one of the best ways to get hold of high quality products to use in your business. It dramatically reduces the time it takes you to create products because you can use some PLR almost as is. Of course, it’s recommended that you do some re-branding and re-writing, but that doesn’t take very long to do once you get the hang of it. It’s a very cheap way for you to test a market to see if it is profitable. You can use a PLR product to test the waters and if it is profitable then you can create your own product very quickly having got a good understanding of your target market. It significantly reduces risk involved with entering new markets. It is also a quick way to enter a market. If you have to create a product for every market you find you could be there for a long time! If you use PLR products then you can be finding a product in the morning and earning from it later that day. PLR products have many uses, not just as products themselves. You can use them as bonus items for other products you are selling. Using Master Resale Rights products or Resale Rights products as bonuses can have the effect of reducing the value of your offer because people have seen these products before or may have them already. Creating your own unique bonus items from PLR isn’t a massive amount of work. It means that all the products you are promoting are your own and you are not building anyone else’s business. Depending on the rights, you may be able to use the PLR product as a list builder to give away on a squeeze page. This again provides a quick and cheap way of getting a list builder together and testing a market. PLR provides you with a great way to provide value to your buyers at minimal expense and effort to yourself. Used well, it can be a very profitable business, and you will learn all the details as you go through this training program. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK