SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - PLR Rights Explained {!firstname_fix} The rights associated with PLR products can be a little bit confusing. There are lots of different rights and no real standard. There is a loose standard, which we will discuss here, but even this varies between sites. You need to pay close attention to the rights because they determine what you can and cannot do with a product. Whereas the legal enforceability of them is dubious, there is a gentlemen’s agreement that these are stuck to for the good of all. Obviously there are people who flout the rights but they are usually blacklisted by marketers for doing so. Some of the more common rights are listed here. A typical rights statement will look like this with lots of statements and Yes or No next to each one to determine what you can do with the product. [YES] May sell at your own price Quite often you see a right giving you guidance on what price you should charge for a product. Price fixing, i.e. demanding you sell it at a certain price is illegal and unenforceable, so you can safely ignore those rights. However, it is worth looking at the guideline prices as it may give you an idea of the worth of the product. Then again, it could be overly inflated to make the product look more valuable to potential buyers. [YES] May put a different name on as the author This is a fundamental principle of PLR products. Some of them, however, don’t allow you to claim copywriter or ownership unless you change the product by at least 50%. This indicates that you can do so from day one with no changes. [YES] May change/add to/remove content as you wish Again, this is a fundamental principle of private label product. You may not always see this in a PLR rights statement because it is inherent in the concept of selling PLR rights. [YES] May be added to PAID membership sites Often you will see this right as products being added to paid memberships retain some of their value. This may be clarified by some people stating that only the personal usage rights may be provided to a paid membership site. It depends on the product. You will see another right related to this a little further down. [YES] May be converted into multi-media products and sold This is also inherent with PLR products, but many people include it anyway, just to be absolutely clear. You are unlikely to ever see a no next to this for this very reason. [YES] May be offered as a bonus with other PAID products You will sometimes see rights limiting what you can group the product with. Often you will see rights stating you can’t sell it in a bundle with more than four products or other limitations. This is to prevent people selling it in dimesales or firesales for pennies. If you have re-written the product then this isn’t an issue because you have a brand new product. This right just applies to the original, unedited work. [YES] May sell Personal Use Rights to others This is included by most people for completeness as it is the fundamental principle of private label rights. If you couldn’t sell this, there would be no point buying the product! [YES] May sell Resale Rights to others This is again standard text and just means you can sell on resale rights if you choose to do so. [YES] May sell Master Resale Rights to others This is more standard text and means you can sell the master resale rights to other people if you choose. You will only normally see a no next to this if you are buying a master resale rights product with non transferable rights. [NO] May sell Private Label Rights to others This is a statement that adds value to the PLR rights as it means people won’t be selling the PLR rights everywhere. It means the PLR rights are only available to the original purchasers. The value lays in the fact that only the original purchasers can rebrand and re-work these products, whereas anyone else can only have master resale rights. [NO] May give away for FREE This adds to the value of the PLR product. It means that you are not going to find it being given away for nothing across the Internet. It will retain its value significantly because of this. It does mean that you can’t use it as a list builder, but that’s fine, it will have more value to you because you know people aren’t getting hold if it for nothing. [NO] May be added to FREE membership sites This goes hand in hand with the previous right and means that the product won’t be added to free membership sites. It means the PLR product retains value because of it. You may sometimes see this being a bit more precise and saying that only the personal usage version can be added to a free membership site. However, the best PLR will typically state no for this. [NO] May be sold on auction sites This is another typical right you will see. When a product gets released on to eBay you will find it being sold for a few cents, bundled with other products and sold with rights it doesn’t have. Obviously, this isn’t always the case, but it often happens. Most PLR authors object to their products getting on to eBay because it devalues the product for everyone else very quickly. If you are planning on selling your product through auction sites you will have to re-write it significantly before you do. [NO] May be added to bundles of more than 4 products You will often see this limitation in order to prevent the product being bundled into firesales or dimesales. Typically in this situation you can get products for pennies on the dollar and so it devalues the original product. Of course, if you have re-written the product significantly then you can do with it as you please at it is now a unique product. [NO] May claim copyright or sell Private Label Rights (Not unless you change over 50% of the content to your own) You won’t see this right very often, but it does appear on occasion. Basically this is protecting the value of the investment by ensuring it isn’t sold on. Quite often this right will be left off and it will just say no to selling PLR rights. The most valuable rights to you are non transferable PLR rights with a limited distribution. The fewer people who can get hold of the original PLR the better as it means the market will be much less saturated. With very low distributions you can expect to pay a premium and that will give you a real edge in the market. Many people who purchase PLR products will literally turn them around as is and sell the PLR rights. They’ll make some money but it will be very short term cash. It won’t be long before the master resale rights version is being sold for a few dollars by many people. This is particularly common in the Internet marketing niche and not so much in other niches. However, if you follow this course and apply it you will be able to create long term cash generators and outsell all the competition. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK