SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Making Money With PLR {!firstname_fix} There are many different ways to make money from PLR products. It is only limited by your imagination and creativity. This chapter will discuss some of the common ways to make money from PLR. You may choose to do one of these or many of them, depending upon your target market, the rights and your business plan. Create An E-Book This is the most common choice with PLR products. Most PLR products already come as e-books so most people will turn them round and sell them as is. With the techniques you will learn in the next two chapters you can make some changes to an existing PLR e-book and increase your earnings from it. A PLR product could become a single e-book or a group of e-books depending on the subject and what you do with it. You may increase the length of the book or shorten it, but more on that later on. Create An Audio Book Audio books are perceived as being higher value than just a plain e-book. You could sell the product solely as an audio book with a transcription (the e-book) thrown in as a bonus. With our iPod friendly culture, many people love to listen to audio books as they can do other things whilst they are “reading”. Delivering an audio version will set you apart from the competition and add value to your package. You can either record the audio yourself or you can hire someone to do it. Any of the freelancing sites will have many voiceover artists who would be happy to record your product. The higher quality artist and the more experience they have, the more you are going to pay, but the end result is a much higher quality product for you to sell. Create A Video Series Video is perceived as being even more valuable than audio, and many people love video these days with the wide availability of broadband Internet. You could sell the product as videos with a transcription (the e-book) or you could sell the e-book with the videos as an upsell. Both of these work and it will depend on your target market how well they are received. These can be recorded yourself or outsourced depending on your skills, vocal abilities and finances. You need to ensure you create a high quality product in order for you to maximize your revenue, so if you are not sure you can do it then you need to outsource it. Video lends itself nicely to physical products, as does audio, which we will discuss in a minute. Create A Membership Site From It There are many opportunities to create membership sites from PLR products. These could be training products or other types of membership site based around the PLR product itself and maybe other products. Membership sites are a great model because you usually charge a recurring fee paid every month. This means you have a few months guaranteed income from each member, instead of just making the single sale. This makes a membership site a very attractive model for business Add It To A Membership Site If you already own a membership site then you may want to re-write the PLR product and use it as content for members. Exactly what you do with it will depend upon the rights granted with the product and the needs of your members. However, PLR products are a great source of content for membership sites and many people make a good living from this type of site. You will understand your members and be able to give them what they want from the PLR. Create A Home Study Course A home study course is typically a multimedia course involving audio, video and books. These may or may not be a physical product. In most cases, this will be a reasonably substantial package that provides complete training on the subject. This usually comes at a premium price to the end user and provides them with high value. If you are creating home study courses then they will often be an amalgamation of a number of PLR products together with original content. Home study courses make a good backend product or upsell. Create A Physical Product Even in our digital age, people love to receive physical products. Some people won’t want to download the digital product and others will just want a physical product for safekeeping. It means they don’t have to print / burn it if they can buy it from you. Physical products are also easier for you to sell offline through classified and other adverts. The physical product may be an upsell or may be the entire product itself. If you are delivering digital products then having a link to order the physical product on the download page often brings in some additional income. You can use a company like for CD and DVD production and someone like for your printed books. Which one you use depends on your product. Create A Viral Product Viral products are a great way to get traffic to your website and promote either your own products or affiliate products. The basic premise is that people take your viral product and distribute it to other people with your links in. This could be a product they can give away to their subscribers or website visitors or it could be a product they can sell with resale or master resale rights. Remember when creating a viral product it has to be something people will want to pass on to their friends or list. Create A List Builder Depending on the rights, you may be able to use it (particularly if you re-write it) and use it as a giveaway to build a list. Offering something like this to your visitors will help encourage them to sign up to your list. The rights may not permit you to do this, so you may end up having to significantly re-write it as the giveaway product. Remember that it has to be something of value, it can contain affiliate links and must pre-sell your main product. Create An On or Offline Training Course Training courses can earn you a lot of money. Rather than read an e-book, you can present your PLR material in the form of a training course, which has a higher perceived value and could well have a recurring billing component. This may end up being a multimedia course or even a program you deliver in person. Remember, there are a lot of companies and groups offline who still hire speakers and people to present to them. This is potentially a very high value opportunity and requires a bit more work than creating an e-book, but will be worth it for you. Create An E-Course E-courses are like training courses but are delivered by autoresponder. These are typically training courses or even membership site content. If you split the PLR product up into various modules then you could create an e-course that could be either a pre sales or post sales training course or even a product in itself. Use It As Website Content Providing the rights permit it, you can use PLR as website content. It makes a very quick and easy way to create a website, particularly if you are using PLR articles. This again provides you with a rapid way of creating a website with high quality content. If you mix it with unique content then you are on to a winner as far as the search engines are concerned. Use It As Autoresponder Content Finally you can use all, or some, of the PLR product as content for your autoresponder sequence. You can purchase PLR newsletters, but these really need to be re-written before use. There are a whole host of uses for PLR material and you can use any one of the above or any combination of them with your PLR material. You may find that you create an initial e-book and autoresponder series and then create many other products based on PLR material to satisfy your market. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK