SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Maximum Value Of PLR {!firstname_fix} Anyone can take a PLR product and then sell it on either as PLR or master resale rights without making any changes to it. The real serious income comes when you change the product around and create a valuable proposition for your buyers. In order to maximize the value you need your product to stand out from the crowd. It needs to be different from everyone else who is selling the same PLR product in order to attract the most sales. The easiest way to do this is to change the title and graphics. That’s a good start, but if people do buy the product then they are going to realise it is the same content as other products and you may see a high refund rate. You can further add value by adding extra information into the product. If you have researched your niche and you know what they are after and what they want, then you can add more of this information into the product to increase the value of it. With some bonuses on the sales page (perhaps made from other PLR) you have a high value product that solves the target markets problems and should sell well. You can further add value to the product by creating an audio book and a video course from it. Not all products lend themselves to these formats, but if yours does, then these are perceived as higher value than just an e-book. If you follow the herd and try to sell your PLR product as is then all you are going to do is make a short term income and compete on price. This will drive the price down and make it harder for you to earn a decent amount of money from your work. By thinking outside of the box and being creative with your use of PLR plus re-writing it (see the next chapter) you will be able to maximize the value of the product to your target market. It will stand out from the crowd and will be easier for you to sell. To truly maximize the value of your product you have to understand your target market. What pain are they experiencing that has made them look for a solution? What are their problems? Knowing this will help you create a product that will sell well because it meets their needs. If you also understand what they want, then the product will be a big hit. People don’t always buy what they need, usually they will buy what they want. This is why you find families who can’t afford to feed their children with 52 inch plasma TV’s. They need to feed their family but want the television. Wants will win in the majority of cases. So what does your target market want? All of the above will help you to maximize the value of your product even before you have started re-writing it. Add in the re-writing from the next chapter and you will have a high class, valuable product that should do very well for you. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK