SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - How To Rewrite PLR {!firstname_fix} Re-writing PLR is the key to making the product your own and maximizing the value from it. Once you have significantly re-written PLR it becomes your own product and you are effectively free from the license restrictions. Re-writing PLR can be outsourced. Any of the freelancing sites will have competent writers who can do this for you. Remember to check out samples and their feedback before you start in order to ensure they are decent quality writers. The price will vary from a few cents a word to a few dollars a page depending on the writer. You want to have new graphics designed for your product. You may be tempted to just change the title on the graphics, but people will still think it is the same product. In order to get maximum value your product must be perceived as being different from the competition. If you are good at graphics then do this yourself otherwise outsource it. You want the site design and a product image at the absolutely minimum. You need to change around the title page as well, add your graphic to it and change the layout in order for it to fit your own personal style and to differentiate it from the competition. If there isn’t a disclaimer in the product then you need to add one, or add to it if there is one there. Again, this helps to make your product unique. The table of contents is the next thing to tackle. If there isn’t one, add one. If there is one already there change it around and make it look different from the original. Change the layout and then change the chapter headings (moving them around and adding some if you can) to make it completely unique. The introduction will need rewriting in your own style. Make sure this grabs their attention and is completely different from the original. This will make your product stand out and ensure your readers enjoy your product. Ideally you want to rewrite the content by a minimum of 50%. This means swapping content around, adding to it, either unique content, PLR articles or other PLR books and creating a totally unique product. You need to write in your own style, providing it is appropriate for your target market. If you write in a style that is not appropriate for your market you will alienate them. For example, a book on confidence or dating can’t be written in a doubting, wishy washy tone because it will not be accepted by the market. Just as a book aimed at the scientific community can’t be written in an informal, laid back style. The style of the book has to be appropriate for your market and if you have done your market research you will understand their problems and pain as well as the solutions they are looking for. This will enable you to target your style and content precisely for your market for maximum results. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK