SUBJECT: Lesson #7 - Summary Of PLR {!firstname_fix} Private label rights are a very valuable resource for you. The provide a lot of benefits, not least is the reduction in time to market and product development time. You can very rapidly create unique, valuable products for your target market using PLR material. In fact, you can create lots of different types of products, not just an e-book. It allows you to target many niches at once rather than following the traditional product development process of creating one product at a time. With practise, you will be re-working PLR products in under a day and setting them up for sale. It grants you cheap access to expert writers and designers through buying the private label rights to their material. It could cost you several hundred, or even thousand, dollars to hire that person to create you a product, but purchasing the PLR rights provides you with a significant cost benefits. There are lots of different ways you can monetize PLR products and it is really only limited by your ingenuity. People make lots of money from PLR all the time and you could be one of them. Whether you create an e-book, audio book, video course, membership site or whatever doesn’t really matter so long as you are addressing what your target market wants. You need to understand then and give them what they want, i.e. the solution to their problem in an easy to digest capsule form with no work required. You do need to find decent quality PLR and that can be a challenge sometimes. However, resources like the warrior forum will ensure that you find good quality work that you can make into your own profitable products. A monthly PLR membership site can be a great place to get your products from and you can create new profitable sites from them every month, which will be highly profitable. Remember that before using PLR you need to make some changes to it in order to guarantee the best possible price and conversion rate. It needs to look different to everyone else’s product and stand out from the crowd. People who are looking for a solution to their problems tend to compare a number of different solutions. If yours stands out as being different and better then you are more likely to make a sale. You won’t be competing on price which the people who throw up a PLR product and hope for a sale are doing. Now you have all the tools for starting to make money from PLR products so here’s a quick action plan to help you succeed. 1) Find a PLR product in a niche you are interested in – you probably have at least one on your hard drive now. If you have more than one in a niche, take them all and copy them into a separate directory. 2) Rework this PLR product into a unique product with brand new graphics and sales page 3) Put it on Clickbank and drive traffic to it. 4) Enjoy the results! Don’t try and spread yourself too thin. Pick one project and work on that until it is earning. Trying to do much at once will mean nothing gets done short term, and you want to get some quick results. You have all the tools now for earning from private label rights products, so take action, follow the steps about and make money today! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK