SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Making Money With Your Public Domain eBook One of the easiest ways to earn money from public domain e-books is duplicating the exact content of public domain works and re-selling them. Since the product is already in the public domain, there are no royalties and no worries about copyright infringement. You do not even have to get permission from the original author in order to excerpt, reprint, or advertise their products. You can make as many copies as you want of the original public domain work, convert them into downloadable e-book format (See previous section for instructions on how to create an e-book) and can start re-selling, re-distributing, and reaping the profits. Give E-Books a Face-lift and Make Money Have you noticed how successful companies re-package their products over and over? Walt Disney made use of this great business strategy. He came up with a new way of telling old fairy tales, giving the stories a refreshing feel. You can do this, too, with an old public domain story. Just choose the public domain work you want. Create a revised edition of it and then sell it as your own. Or, rework the piece, add your own style, repackage it and sell it as your own. Because of the copyright protection attached to it, no one else can copy your work. This means the work is completely yours – free for your use, private or otherwise. Giving public domain work a face-lift does not take a creative genius. The whole thing can be simple; just change the format of a work by doing any or all of the following: • Make the type face cleaner; • Make the text more attractive by arranging it into sidebars and tables. This would make the content much easier to read than blocked text arranged in a boring, monotonous paragraph; • Add graphics, headings, or color texts; • Make a few actual changes to the text, either by adding new material or subtracting unnecessary lines. • turn a book into an audio or video **NOTE: If you only made minor revisions to a public domain work and did not make any actual changes to the content, it is not advisable to file for a separate copyright notice for the “new” work. If you must protect your product, then use the protection feature that most e-book creation software offers – one that makes it possible for you to protect your files from major theft and tampering. In our next email I'll share some 'outside-of-the-box' tips for making money with public domain pictures and where to sell them! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK