SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - 4 More Ways To Re-Purpose Public Domain Content {firstname_fix}, This is the last and final email you'll receive on the topic of public domain. I hope you've found it not only interesting but useful too, because once you start applying this knowledge and use this wealth of raw content, you'll be able to start getting more done and quicker than ever before! I want to finish off by sharing with you more ideas for turning public domain content into content for the web. How to Convert your E-Book into Articles or E-Courses Not everyone will find a book-length public domain work appealing. Most online users are browsers and scanners, so they like to consume information in bite size pieces. Instead of offering them an entire e-book, you can offer them a series of articles or an e-course. It can take as little as an hour to convert your e-book into an e-course. Simply separate the chapters into bite size pieces and load them into your autoresponder, or present them on your website as individual pages. Create Amazing Titles The title of your e-book, e-course or articles is the key to getting people to read. Instead of “Flower Gardens” embellish a bit and turn your title into something like “10 Easy Steps to Make Your Own Backyard Oasis”? If you post a list of the article titles in your series or a lesson plan of your e-course, readers will be drawn in and start placing orders. Link Building The core of internet marketing is link building. When you post articles to article directories, your link points back to your website. When you trade links with other related sites, those links point back to your website too. As you increase the number of links to your website, the search engines take notice and you get listed higher in the rankings. As you list higher in the search engines, you get more visitors and eventually, more sales. **NOTE: Some website owners will be grateful to you for providing their links and to show your gratitude they may even be willing to link back to you. Try to explore this aspect of link building and see what possibilities open up for you. Automate Everything To keep your subscribers updated and to send your articles and e-courses, you need an autoresponder. An autoresponder is simply your email management program. It sends email for you on a pre-scheduled basis. You enter your messages into the system once and the software sends them for you forever. Conclusion Using the public domain can be a cash cow. You have very little product development time and you have an endless source of raw material. Your only limitation is your imagination, so let those creative juices flow and who knows, maybe you'll be the next Walt Disney :) I wish you much success. YOUR NAME YOUR LINK