SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - The Difference Between You And 'Them'? {!firstname_fix} A product launch is something that every Internet Marketer who creates a product will experience. The difference between one that makes a small fortune and one which ends in a damp squib is how they are approached. You can’t just launch a product and hope that people hear about it and come to you. You have to actively work to make the product launch a success which means setting up web pages, contacting potential partners and making sure the launch will go ahead without any problems. The product launch is a carefully planned process and you need to follow a plan in order to ensure when the launch date comes, everything is ready and the whole launch runs smoothly. One marketer launched a product he had taken six months to create and made nothing in the first three months because he didn’t follow the product launch process. Another marketer launched his product and hadn’t bothered testing his processes and discovered within an hour of his launch his website crashed and he lost tens of thousands of dollars. You need to follow a process to launch your product and make sure that it goes smoothly. A good product launch can earn you thousands of dollars, and some marketers have had million dollar days through their product launches. One day, that might be you, but only if you follow a plan. Follow the link below for a full step- by-step blueprint to getting your product launched right, first time, every time!... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME