SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - How It Works: The Pre-Launch - Stage 1 {!firstname_fix} During the pre-launch phase you will not have a sales page on your website. Instead you will have a squeeze page or possibly a mini sales page. Depending on your launch strategy you may well have different information on this page relating to your pre-launch email campaign. The idea behind the squeeze page is that it captures people’s email addresses so you have a list of eager buyers to email as soon as you launch the product. If you are having partners direct traffic to this page then you must capture the affiliate links and incorporate them in the launch email so your partners get credited for their work. If you don’t, you won’t get partners to work with you again in the future. The idea behind this squeeze page is that it communicates the benefits of the product – it may well be a video, or some text. Whatever it is, it tells people about the benefits of the product and why they must buy. Their desired action is to sign up to the list so you can email them on launch so they buy immediately. The other advantage behind having the squeeze page on your website is that you can start doing SEO work as you have something on your website for the search engines to list. This means you can start getting ranked for your keywords or even run a pay per click campaign to drive traffic to it. Follow the link below for a full step- by-step blueprint to getting your product launched right, first time, every time!... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME