SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - How It Works: The JV Partners - Stage 2 {!firstname_fix} Unless you have a list numbering in the hundreds of thousands then you will need affiliates and joint venture partners to work with you for your product launch. An affiliate is someone who wants to promote your product but may not have a large list or be well known. Joint venture partners are people you approach directly to promote your product. These tend to be well known marketers with large lists. Typically, you will offer a JV partner a higher percentage commission than normal affiliates. You offer them a better deal because they have leverage with their lists. Some marketers don’t like paying affiliates and offer them a pitiful commission. Do you honestly think that they will work hard for peanuts? No, they won’t. You can’t resent paying other marketers to market your products. JV partners in particular have spent a great deal of time building a relationship with their lists. You are effectively paying them through the commission for their time and efforts promoting your product. These partners can be very lucrative for you. A JV partner mailing to a responsive list with a compatible offer can earn you thousands of dollars – thousands of dollars that you would never have otherwise had so it's best to always give generously in a launch. You can often find JV partners on groups such as Yahoo! or Google groups plus on social networks. Recruiting JV partners is basically a numbers game. The more you contact, the more yes’s you will get. Remember, the JV partners are doing you a favor by promoting your product, so treat them with respect, respond promptly to their emails and help them however you can to promote your products. Follow the link below for a full step- by-step blueprint to getting your product launched right, first time, every time!... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME