SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - How It Works: Creating A Buzz - Stage 3 {!firstname_fix} The pre-launch buzz is what takes a product launch from successful to mega-successful. Through this, you create a feeling of anticipation in your potential buyers and make it so when the product is launched, they are already sold on it and just have to click buy with very little persuasion. The idea is to show people a look inside your new product whilst teasing them with the features and educating them to the benefits. The buzz is built by a pre-launch email sequence sent by your JV partners and affiliates. This starts the education and anticipation process. You also start posting in forums and groups through enigmatic and educational posts and signatures to further build a buzz. The buzz may include educating people to the special offers you have as bonuses. You may have specific bonuses available only to the first number of people who buy your product. For example, the first 10 may get personal coaching. The first 50 may get a copy of an additional valuable program and the first 250 get something else. Something like that introduces a sense of urgency because people won’t want to miss out and will desperately try to get the bonuses, particularly if they are valuable. A good pre-launch buzz can make or break your product launch. You can make a lot of money on your launch day if you have handled the pre-launch phases properly. Remember to create a buzz and educate people (pre-sell) to the benefits of your product and why they must buy it. Follow the link below for a full step- by-step blueprint to getting your product launched right, first time, every time!... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME