SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - How It Works: The Launch - Stage 4 {!firstname_fix} When the launch day comes you are going to be very excited. Cancel all appoints for the day and if you have a job, take the day off so that you can focus on your launch. Before the launch make sure everything is working again and that the autoresponder is primed to send the launch message. When the launch time comes, you need to switch the squeeze page for the sales page. Make sure you know exactly how to do that or your technical person does so that there is no delay. You don’t want eager buyers coming to the page at launch time and finding they can’t buy! Make sure all your affiliates and joint venture partners are fully aware of the launch time and are ready to send their emails. Contact them all directly before the launch and make sure they are ready to go. You need to make sure that your support system is in place and working correctly. If you have support staff, make sure they are fully aware of the product and the likely problems they will encounter so that they can fix them quickly. The launch date is an exciting time and one where you will see your Paypal balance increase steadily, particularly if you have followed the pre-launch process. Mitigating against potential problems will reduce the chances of an issues on the day, but you never know. Ensure you are available for the entire day and be prepared to answer support calls very rapidly. Follow the link below for a full step- by-step blueprint to getting your product launched right, first time, every time!... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME