SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - Your Offer And Headline {!firstname_fix} Make an Offer When products are on special offer, public interest is piqued. People love to think they are grabbing a bargain, or even just saving themselves a few cents over a different brand or on the previous price of the offer product. This is perhaps the most important way to close any deal in the advertising world. The offer taps into the greedy streak that we all possess. It is so powerful that it is frequently able to bypass the rational brain and straight away trigger the physical reaction of hand-in-pocket. It has been shown that certain unscrupulous supermarkets can increase their profits by placing display stands near the doors advertising special offers. In itself, this is not unscrupulous. Until you consider that the product advertised can be found in larger containers for less money further inside the store. Customers wind up walking out with a product they didn’t intend to buy at an inflated price, all because the word “offer” appeared above it. Your copy can make people buy when it grabs their attention with a special offer. The Headline Many people scan a newspaper deciding on the basis of the headline alone whether or not they will read any given article. A headline is there to sum up the content of the article, and if you are a copywriter you must be able to hit your audience smack between the eyes the moment they see it. Which is most interesting as a magazine article headline? “My dog ran away”, “Aliens stole my dog”, or “Martians ate my Chihuahua”? The story itself may be the same – some nutty individual loses their pet and blames an ET – but the headlines say very different things. (The difference between the latter two is the level of detail in the third, which adds color and interest to the headline.) Remember that unsolicited advertising material is normally only of interest when you are confined to one place with nothing better to do. In all other circumstances, it has to be very enticing to draw people in and get them to read it. A strong and attractive headline can make all the difference, and make or break an ad campaign. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK