SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Know the Obstacles and Destroy Them {!firstname_fix} Great salespeople enter a sales pitch knowing every conceivable objection that can head their way. Not only that, but they have answers prepared to defuse them. Not only that, but they positively welcome these customer objections because they know that as each one is removed, making the sale is a step closer. Similarly, clever copywriters do not sidestep the possible objections customers may have to purchasing; instead, they plainly identify them in their copy and deal with them. Although it may seem a risky strategy to point out the reasons why a person might not buy, you can rest assured these objections will not just pass by unnoticed for the lack of you mentioning them. Besides which, you don’t have to overtly label them as customer objections; rather, you can just name the benefits that smash them to pieces. The main objections are: • I don't have the time – You can see this objection answered in copy written for exercise apparatus with such comments as “Abs to be proud of in only five minutes a day!” This doesn’t overtly identify the objection, although one approach is to do just that: “Think you don’t have time to build great abs? Think again! Five minutes a day is all you need!” • I don't have the money – This is the initial standard defensive response from even the very wealthy, and it can be a tough one to overcome. It is usually best answered by creating such a list of benefits that the price seems fully justified. • It won't work for me – Without knowing the circumstances of each customer, you can’t really cover all the bases here, but you can certainly identify the main reasons why someone might logically arrive at such a conclusion. Then you need to identify why they are mistaken. • I don't believe you – The canny consumer has seen every trick in the book. Cynicism is a copywriter’s arch-enemy, but also their raison d’ętre. If customers did not need persuading, copywriters would be out of work. The best way to get around this one is by providing credible benefits, customer testimonials, and a money-back guarantee. • I don't need it – This is probably the easiest objection to overcome because a customer thinking this is clinging on with their fingertips to the final objection. Very likely the customer won’t actually need the product. Your thought must be: No, but you WANT it, and your copy must be so attractive that it makes them realize this. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK