SUBJECT: Lesson #9 - Every Day in Every Way {!firstname_fix} Yes, you will get better, provided you take the time and make the effort. Writing of any sort improves with practice – that’s the time element. The effort you make is your seeking out the best advice to ensure that you practice the right way. Practice alone means very little, especially if it is just a repetition of previous mistakes that you don’t even know are mistakes. Copywriting rules (the science) can be learned by anyone. A ten year-old could learn by heart the rules already detailed in the third chapter; that’s not the same as putting them into practice and making them work. The rules are just the foundation. The foundations of a house cannot be seen from a distance because they are below ground. You can’t live comfortably on concrete foundations. Similarly, you don’t get paid as a copywriter just for knowing the rules; your client wants to see you build a wonderful house. That’s where the money is. Remember it is perfectly possible to build a horrible house on very strong foundations, and you may have no clue this is happening if you stay on the inside looking out. Your education as a copywriter really kicks off when you start taking notice of how other people have built their houses. You watch what they’ve done, you watch what they do, and you learn from them. The best copywriters have spent years honing their skills to win the top jobs and earn the respect of their clients and their fellow copywriters. These are the people you need to seek out, and the internet provides an easy way to do this. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK