re: Grab the *Blueprints* to Writing Profitable Sales Pages... RE: 9 Simple Steps to Crank Out Profit-Pulling Sales Letters (that sell all the time...) REMINDER: Get More Clicks, More Leads and Make More Sales in YEAR (with 1 skill...) If you knew you could invest $1000 on a professional copywriter which would trigger an avalanche of $197 sales for life, you'd do it in a heartbeat. But here's the problem.... Not everyone has $1000 lying around to invest on a copywriter. Nor do they have the skills to write seductive copy themselves. But what if one could just implement a fraction of the psychological triggers that the pros do? You know, those triggers which eventually get your visitor to start reading past your headline into your opening paragraph and all the way down to your guarantee and onto your buy button... Don't you think you'd stand a greater chance than the other guy who didn't put in the effort? Don't you think you'd finally start to see the sales you've worked so hard for? YOUR LINK?l Sales Page Blueprints is a short, simple and highly effective course that will lay out all the important elements to writing great sales copy. Inside you'll uncover.. * How to identify your prospect and write at their wavelength. * How to format your sales letter for the perfect pitch. * Why long sales letters win hands down and when you may use a short one. * How to tackle your headline and answer your prospect's questions within seconds to make them read through to your first paragraph. * How to 'sell' and not 'list'. Your product may be the best in the world with one million features but your prospect still won't know why they'd need it. Answer this for them and you're already half-way there! * How to close the deal, prove to your prospect that this is what they want and get them to click that buy now button. * How to split-test and increase your conversions. You've probably heard the guru's telling you time and time again to split test your marketing. Now you'll know exactly how to do this! * Plus much more... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME