SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - "Get inside my shoes" {!firstname_fix} A professional looking web site is a very important part of developing a profitable Internet business. However, your sales copy is just as important. Each will play a major role in your success. The key to writing effective sales copy is simply learning how to write persuasive words specifically written for your targeted potential customer. You must feel their needs and write your copy with passion, excitement and benefits. Tell them exactly what's in it for them by writing copy that evokes a specific emotion and stresses your product's benefits. Essentially you need to get inside the shoes of your would-be customers. You have to understand their mindset, their pain, and what they are looking for. If you can be the person to give it to them whilst getting them to like and trust you, you've already made the sale without selling! Does it get any easier? Yes! Because in video 2 of the Sales Page Blueprint, we'll reveal how to identify your prospect and get into their shoes! Get instant access to this technique from the link below... => YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME