SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - "I'll give you 2 seconds to get my attention..." {!firstname_fix} The first and most important part of your sales copy is the headline. If your headline doesn't instantly capture your targeted potential customers' attention, and arouse a specific emotion, the rest of your sales copy will be useless. In order to write an effective headline, you must learn how to use specific words to achieve a specific reaction. Before writing your headline, you must first learn a little bit about the basic human motivators. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, human behavior is always the result of one or more of five basic needs. He listed these needs in a sequence that he refers to as "the hierarchy of human needs." He believes that until a less important need is met there won't be any desire to pursue a more important need. Below are the five human motivators, beginning with the basic needs and continuing to the most important needs. Physiological - Basic human needs include hunger, thirst, shelter, clothing. Safety (Security) - Human need for physical, emotional and financial security. Social (Affiliation) - Human need for love, affection, companionship and acceptance. Esteem (Self Esteem) - Human need for achievement, recognition, attention and respect. Self-actualization - Human need to reach their full potential. When you are aware of the basic human needs, you can incorporate these needs into your writing. A great headline will appeal to your potential customers' emotions. You must feel their needs, wants and desires and write your headlines with passion and emotion! Be sure to grab your copy of the Sales Page Blueprints and what how sales copy is put together from scratch... => YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME