SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Risk Removal "The Risk Is All On Me!" {!firstname_fix} Have you ever come to a website, it looked fantastic, the product was exactly what you were looking for, you even read about how well other people are doing after using the product? Maybe you even scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the page and checked out the price first and then decided if you should read the rest of the sales page. When the 'Buy Now' button was in view, you were some- what tempted to buy there and then but something was stopping you... You just weren't sure.. You just didn't want to spend straight away because you weren't entirely sure if YOU were making the right decision? Stop for a minute and come back out. If that was YOUR sales page and you could see your customers lingering around the buy now button you'd re-assure them there and then wouldn't you? You'd remind them about your money-back guarantee, that if they weren't happy with it they could simply ask for a refund? Well let me tell you.. sometimes a guarantee just isn't enough. With all the other websites out there boasting a 30, 60, 90 day guarantee you need to up the ante. You need to place ALL the risk on you, and create a sense of urgency. Try this.. "I'll put all the risk on me by allowing you to try it for free with free shipping, just try it. And if you like it, which we know you will, you will be conveniently billed just 4 easy payments of $9.95. But if you act now, we'll knock off one of those payments all bill you just 3 payments at $9.95. And if you are one of the next 100 to order, (while supplies last in our warehouse), you will also get a copy of our other top selling eBook which by itself sells for $19.95 absolutely free. And if our product does not do everything we said, and more, you can keep it and never be billed by us. That's our gift to you!" This is a fine example of removing the risk altogether, creating a sense of urgency and breaking down the price to something more affordable which is essentially the same whilst offering a scarce bonus incentive. If you like this tip, you're going to love to golden nuggets of information in Sales Page Blueprints. => YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME