SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Sales copy: Long vs. Short... Which is better? {!firstname_fix} It is a proven fact that long sales copy out-sells short sales copy. However, some visitors do prefer a short sales letter. You can provide your visitors with both. For those who prefer a short sales letter, provide opportunities to click through to your order page prior to ending your sales letter. Try to keep your sales letter all on one page. Your visitors would much rather have to scroll through your letter than click through and load another page. With each additional click, you'll lose a percentage of your potential customers. Your words should seamlessly flow together from your headline through to your order page. Every word, sentence and headline should have one specific purpose: to lead your potential customer to your order page. The simple, well-designed web sites with killer sales copy make the sales. Question - "If I create a long sales page what exactly should I include? I don't want to fill it with fluff!" Whilst a longer sales page can leave you empty on words there are ways to reiterate your points and extend your sales page naturally whilst keeping your reader's attention. Watch the full videos of Sales Page Blueprints to find out how to do this and much more... => YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME