SUBJECT: Software Lesson #3 - Why Do You Need PLR Software? {!firstname_fix} I can hear you now. "I write my own stuff and do my own programming!" "Why would I want to use PLR anything? Take a deep breath and let me explain. Any busy webmaster or marketer who is creating and selling their own products on their own website usually has a "To Do list" that would break the back of a totally dedicated Type A personality. There is only so much time in a day to accomplish all the tasks that need to be done just to keep people interested in your offerings and visiting your website. You might be thinking that using an autoresponder can free you up so you can do the important things, like checking your bank account. Sounds good, but not that easy to accomplish. Let’s quickly look at why the best (i.e. richest) marketers see themselves as one thing only – marketers. Forget your ego – you might be able to write better than any ghostwriter you could hire or program better than any outsourcer but if you try to do the whole product creation thing yourself you’re not going to make much money. Why? Because when you outsource work to writers or programming you’re NOT paying for that work, despite what you may think. You’re actually paying for TIME. Time to do what you’re best at – ideas. You can’t outsource ideas. If you have the creativity to think of a project that you believe can make you a decent profit, then seriously think about getting someone else to do the actual work for you. If you’ve had one idea you can have a hundred. Count yourself lucky too, because most people struggle to come up with even one decent product idea. Actually creating the product is the easy bit. Look at product creation as just another part of the money making process. And PLR software (or ebooks or article for that matter) make the product creation process easier. PLR gives you a starting point. I find it easier to write starting from a ‘lump’ of material, even if I change it utterly beyond recognition than I do staring at a blank word processing screen. And with software PLR I don’t have a choice anyway because I’m not a programmer and haven’t the foggiest idea about how to change or adapt it. But I have the ideas and can tell someone else what I want my new software to do. The rights that come with each product give you great freedom to do your own revisions and recreate a product that is totally yours and considered new content by the search engine spiders. Or to pass on to your writers, programmer or outsourcers and say ‘make this unique’ Hordes of people are searching the Web, looking for solutions to their problems or a way around the virtual roadblocks they encounter when they are trying to design their own websites or make some process easier or faster. That's your market and your business would be to fill those needs as quickly and inexpensively as you can. Less time spent + less money spent = greater profits for you! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK