SUBJECT: Software Lesson #4 - Giving Your Software Functionality And More Value! {!firstname_fix} The real value in using PLR software is that it gives you a fully functional starting point to launch your revision or reconstruction to make it your product and not a clone of several hundred others. Changing PLR software is an alien concept to anyone who’s not a programmer. It was to me. In fact it scared me rigid. In actual facts there are smaller tweaks that you can make to any software to get it working better, be more user friendly, or just plain old BETTER LOOKING, that are cheap and easy to do for most programmers. When you find your techy (covered later), you can discuss this with him. If the software works as promised (make sure you test it – a lot doesn’t) you can spend valuable time changing it cosmetically and creating a different look and feel that says, "This is mine!" A different color scheme or one that follows what you've used on your other products, a new cover and some interesting and pertinent graphic touches all create a product that your customers will recognize as coming from you...visual branding goes a long way when you are trying to establish customer loyalty. Give it a different name too. Don’t be worried about reselling software in areas where there is a lot of competition. How many books on copywriting or adsense are there? A lot – yet I’ve still made a nice amount of money by competing in this market. If people are selling software in a particular subject area it usually means there is a market for it. Don’t get obsessed with finding ‘empty’ niches. Too many marketers do this. You can also separate single functions out of the original code and make each one an individual and specific application or process that can be sold on your site as a stand-alone piece of software. This can create several steady income streams where none existed before. I know of a great piece of software that had four main functions, all of which it does extremely well. However I reckon that most people who buy this software need 2 of those functions at most. Perhaps a better idea would be to create four different pieces of software that do one of the functions each. You could charge the same amount of money for each as you did for the original software and make a lot more profit. Of course you could go the other way too – find a number of tasks that usually go together for a group of people – webmasters, writers, designers etc and grab the PLR to each of these smaller tasks. Combine them into a larger more powerful piece of software that does the whole thing, and sell it for a larger price. It’s the idea that’s the important bit, as I’m sure you’re starting to see. Don’t be afraid of trying things out. Your possible subjects for this merging of applications are endless. Think about the processes you have to endure on a daily basis when you are expanding or promoting your business. How many of those are actually record-keeping, checking out keywords, researching for new material, testing for conversion improvements or some other tedious and monotonous procedures? If you wish you had simpler, faster ways to accomplish some of your daily tasks, you can be sure that several hundred, or several thousand people share your attitude and would be eager to buy software that would free them up to improve the rest of their projects. When you have a list of PLR software saved on your hard drive, organize them according to their focus and see if you can combine some and make a hot new product that appeals to those bogged down with the tedious side of being a webmaster, just like you are. This is where your lack of technical knowledge could be a major advantage. I’m a great fan of going to techies and saying ‘make me a button that does this’. I learned this phrase from a man who was a serious non-techy but had the ideas to make a lot of money. All you need to know is what application would make your life, work or any other process easier for you. Once you know that, go pay a techy to make it for you. One last suggestion for your use of PLR software concerns all those PHP scripts that can be found almost anywhere online. Though they are called "scripts," they are essentially software written in another language than HTML...PHP. PHP scripts are written in a computer scripting language that was originally designed to produce the dynamic web pages you see everywhere you land lately. This is a popular and widely-used scripting language that can be embedded in HTML code to enhance old-style web pages and bring them "up to speed" with the Web 2.0 look. But, regardless of what they call them, they are essentially pieces of software that easily perform useful functions to make your website more attractive, more useful or more interactive. A focused search will uncover hundreds of free PHP scripts to make your life, and that of your customers, easier. Some of those frequent giveaway sites will have related collections of PHP scripts free for your download and use, after giving them your email address, of course. You will have to search for the PLR Software, though, since it is usually overshadowed by the outrageous popularity of PLR articles. This is the "Treasure Hunt" previously mentioned occasionally. Good PLR Software products exist for your use, if you can find them in the PLR article blizzard. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK