SUBJECT: Software Lesson #5 - Do You Know What Software To Sell? {!firstname_fix} Knowing what software to sell and how to make that decision might be a good topic to discuss here before we get to how to find PLR software specifically. If you don't know what your customers are looking for, you will not make good decisions about what to sell to them. But if you know what you’d like to see you’re halfway there. There's several good ways to find out what problems your customers are having that need good solutions. The simplest way is to just ask them. If you send emails, you can send one that isn't trying to sell anything, but asks a simple question about what your readers would like to have for software or what online business or website task they would like to make easier. You will get answers. Most serious marketers belong to at least one, if not several, forums and get some good ideas from the postings members leave asking for help or solutions to marketing, list building, driving traffic or design problems. If you don't belong to a forum yet, join one that interests you and pay attention. If someone asks a question, you can bet there are several hundred more with the same question. Supply the answer with some PLR software and you have sales. Blogs and newsletters are other great sources for ideas for products you can create from PLR software and PHP scripts. Subscribers and readers often ask for advice and solutions. Subscribe to some of each and make a list of what people are asking for help with or advice about. Keep that list current and look for answers in your stash of PLR software. You might ask the publisher of the newsletter if you could run a survey of his subscribers. If he agrees, ask your questions in a survey format about what they need or want. There's software available for creating surveys on newsletters, blogs and forums. Remember that you can split your software packages up into single focused applications or combine several for the "Big Bang" answer to major problems or those with several related problems rolled into one. Searching for the number of people looking for keywords that match your PLR software topics is a powerful way to decide what software is needed by your customers and those you want to become your customers. There are quite a few free, online keyword search tools you can access 24/7 to help you determine how many people were looking for your information last month. Google "free keyword search tools" (with and without quotes) and you will have enough choices to keep you busy for a while. Once you decide on some keyword tools to use, put in your keywords and write down your results or print the page, if you can. Quite a few of these online keyword search tools will also include suggestions for additional keywords and long tail keywords (keywords with 4-8 words, instead the usual 1 or 2). If you do not find a high level of interest in your keywords or phrases, you probably should pick another set to search or another problem to solve. Here's an example from Wordtracker that illustrates that last statement. I entered the same two keyword phrases in at least 10 separate keyword search tools I found online and had similar results from all of them. My keywords were "free PLR software" and "PLR software." I used both of them with and without quotes. 931 Total Searches 614 article generator software endless free plr 158 article generating software endless free plr 149 free software making articles unique endless free plr 6 plr software 4 exclusive plr software The first three results are perfect examples of long tail keywords. What you need to notice from this example is that my search terms were worthless and a poor choice. "Free plr software" didn't even get one hit and the other one, "plr software," had 6 people looking for it out of 931 searches. Not a good start. Also notice that the long tail keywords had 921 people entering those phrases in the major search engines. If you read those long tail keywords, you will see that there is real interest in PLR software that will generate articles. There's an example of your market – article generating software. Those 931 potential customers also want that software to be PLR, free and not have an expiration date or be limited to a certain number of uses (see the word "endless"). Reading those same three phrases also tells you that those people are looking for software that will take PLR articles and rewrite them, making them unique for acceptance to article directories. You can also presume that they're interested in viral marketing, which uses unique article submissions to drive traffic to websites. Besides article rewriting software, you uncovered another topic of interest, viral marketing. See how you get all that from a few results from a keyword search engine? Pay attention to everything you read. Finally, take a good look at the top three phrases. They represent the way those searching for your information typed in the phrase they were looking for, actually a collection of words relating to what they wanted to find. Learn from it. Your keyword searches have to recognize how people are typing in the query or you will never get the results you are looking for. Using the same two search terms used above, here's the terms returned by another keyword search tool: • PLR software for cheap • PLR software • PLR articles rewrite software • Free PLR software • Internet marketing software PLR • PLR roulette software • Software PLR At least my original two search terms made the list this time! By now you should have a pretty good idea about how to find what software people want and are looking to buy. The hard and cruel fact of Internet Marketing is that the only software that is going to sell is the software people want. You could create the most beautiful piece of software ever written on any of several thousand subjects or niches. If no one wants it, no one will buy it. Simply put, your business is to create software you know people want... nothing else. Remember to keep your eyes open and be aware of what's right in front of your face. You'll find treasures you can use to jump start your business I want to just add a quick note here about why NOT being technically minded is a good thing. Programmers aren’t marketers. They’re from another planet altogether. They appreciate ‘beautiful coding’ or ‘seamless integration’ when it comes to software. They are genius artists and deserve to be revered as such. However they are not marketers and are rarely rich. Your clunky, clumsy idea – the simple little piece of software that makes your marketing life easier may not be elegant or technically brilliant… But if it costs you $300 to pay a techy to get it made (or get the PLR adapted), and then brings you $25,000 a month and a licensing deal with Apple, who cares? To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK