SUBJECT: Software Lesson #6 - A Realistic Look Into Outsourcing {!firstname_fix} There's so many variables to evaluate when you are considering outsourcing your PLR software and coding changes that the answer to that question is "Yes and No." To begin with, let's check out the two major types of outsourcing available so you will recognize what is being "said" to you when you read some of the providers' information. There are three main problems with outsourcing or offshoring that have to be considered by software publishers and Internet Marketers when they look for ways to streamline their business by having their PLR software modified or rewritten by someone else. Some problems that are basically geographical in nature, include language, accent, political instability, cultural issues and unexpected changes in laws and regulations that affect the outsource service. Another is a shakily developed support infrastructure that could mean disaster to your business, particularly if you are outsourcing your site's hosting. These problems include unreliable email and other contact difficulties, inadequate disaster recovery, inability to generate the power you need for the bandwidth, or data transfer rate, your website requires. The third and maybe the main outsourcing problem concerns your projects. When you have PLR software you want revamped or redesigned to suit the needs of your customers, your outsourcer in another country might not have the knowledge or experience you need or the language proficiency to specifically understand what you want done and how. However, all is not as bleak as the description above makes outsourcing or offshoring your PLR software projects sound. Here's some advantages: • You can decrease your operating costs...your time is a cost of doing business • You can access cheaper and more efficient labor • You can often access better technologies at a cheaper cost • Your personal productivity will increase • You can concentrate on the money-making side of being a software publisher • You can stay even or surpass your competition Disadvantages: • You can have your project stalled if your outsourcing company has financial troubles, like bankruptcy, labor problems, etc. • The actual control of the processes required for your project will no longer be in your hands, but passed to the outsourcing service • The outsourcing service may have contract obligations with many other companies that push your project to the end of a long list At the time of this writing, the following countries are all promoting their outsourcing services to the rest of the world: • China • Czechoslovakia • India • Ireland • Poland • Russia • The Philippines • The Ukraine There are, however, some very successful and professional outsourcing services that many marketers use for their PLR software needs. While they may be based in the US or in Europe, a large percentage of their programmers are living in other countries. Let's move on to that aspect of outsourcing. Well we’ll move on in a minute….. I’ve offered an intelligent argument as to the pros and cons of outsourcing. I’d now like to draw your attention to two things: 1. Unless you can write code yourself you DON’T HAVE A CHOICE. 2. Just bloody DO IT. I waited and wondered for a lot of years about outsourcing, not only in terms of PLR and software, but in my marketing business in general. I can honestly say that major problems have been few and far between and I wished I’d done it years before I actually did. The biggest single thing that held me back for so long was fear of the unknown – would programmers laugh at me if I couldn’t tell them what I wanted in ‘techy’ language? Would outsourcing to other countries mean language problems, security problems or other such things? All the above are unrealistic fears. You will find that outsourcers treat you with the utmost respect, because: a. They’re used to dealing with people like you and me, and they will highly respect you because you are the ‘ideas’ person. b. You’re the one who’s paying them. If you take nothing else away from this book, please take this – try outsourcing. It’ll change your business forever. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK