SUBJECT: Software Lesson #7 - The REAL Art Of Profiting From PLR Software {!firstname_fix} Software has a higher perceived value than ebooks or most other information products. If you want to make your software product look even MORE valuable (i.e. so you can charge more for it), forget digital downloads. Write it onto CD and deliver it in a professionally printed box. Think about the last time you bought real, physical software. It probably came in a big box that rattled. And it rattled because inside was a warranty form, an operating manual (possibly not much thicker) and a scrawny little CD. The big shiny box was there because if you saw what was inside you probably wouldn’t give it the time of day. Going down the ‘physical’ selling route is now a possibility thanks to services such as It’s certainly worth considering. Whichever way you decide to sell, the whole point of PLR software is to change it from PLR software into YOUR PRODUCT. So you need to think about renaming (easy), rebranding (just pick a nice color and a logo), and changing those parts of the application that either don’t work, or could work better. And all you’ve got to do in that case is to use it and see how you like it. Ask other people for their opinion too if you trust them. Get an idea in your head (and written down) of what you want the software to do. Once that’s done contact a coder. Get them to sign a secrecy agreement. Chat to them (I use email or skype for this) to see if what you want done is possible. If it is, get a quote for cost. If it’s not, either go looking for some more PLR or find another coder. At this point do not get stubborn or emotionally attached to your idea. If it’s going to cost too much money or it’s going to become a major headache, DUMP IT. The less work your PLR needs, the more money you’ll make. Again, 95% of people will never, ever get to the stage of speaking to a coder let alone following the idea through to completion. And when it is complete and you own your own product – and a software product at that - you should start to see serious benefits. I’d also like to mention that it is possible to skip the WHOLE PLR thing altogether and go straight to a coder with your idea for some new software. This is likely (although not always) going to cost more money that having someone work on PLR. That's it from me {!firstname_fix}! If you want to start developing your own software and get paid handsomely for it, then please check out my entire video series. You'll be able to watch over my shoulder and see exactly what I do! YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK