SUBJECT: Squidoo It Up For FREE Traffic! (details inside...) {!firstname_fix} Do you need a way to generate traffic that really can be done for free? Let's face it, there are a ton of ways to generate traffic out there. Unfortunately, most all of them cost a fortune to even test and becoming profitable with paid advertising is even more expensive. Other so called free traffic methods require either hundreds of hours of work or thousands a month in outsourcing costs. Neither of these scenarios is all that attractive so what can you do? You are going to learn of my private discovery that has allowed me to easily generate tons of free traffic and boost the rankings of my sites using Squidoo! => YOUR LINK?l Just some of the goodies that you'll go over in the Squidoo Lens Genius video seminar... * Introduction - Here You get a solid foundation that will allow you to build a traffic and lead powerhouse with your lens! * Lenses & Blogs Revealed - The truth about squidoo lenses and blogs and why the differences are huge and affect your ability to make money with squidoo. * Links & Monetizing - how to generate exposure for your squidoo and lens as well turn it into an income producing machine that generate profits each and every month like clockwork! * Lens marketing- promote and push your lens to the top of squidoo and then google, yahoo!, and MSN without having to spend a bunch of money to market your site or a ton of time marketing! * SEO & Back linking - how to setup your lens so that the search engines take notice and give your lens the most link juice possible. also revealed are the secrets of lens linking! * traffic magnetization - generate the maximum amount of traffic from your lens so that you can sell to your visitors and Push them to your other web sites! * Extremely simple system that will have your leans up and generate traffic by tonight! Getting exposure in your business doesn't have to be a complicated affair if you know how to use Squidoo the most efficient way possible. If you know the tricks to make Squidoo love your lens and send you traffic which boosts your search engine rankings, you're well on your way to increasing your income. Squidoo will give bring you income thorough affiliate monetization, traffic through traffic funneling, and leads from that traffic. => YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME