SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Do I Need An Amazon Account With Squidoo? You don’t need to have an Amazon account with Squidoo. However if you already have an associate account you can potentially earn more income by using your affiliate links in the lenses you create. The flat rate commission from Amazon is 4% going up to 15%. Squidoo and Amazon Commissions Squidoo is one of Amazon’s biggest and most successful affiliates. You will share in their commissions if you use their modules on your lenses that generate sales even if you do NOT have an Amazon affiliate account. Squidoo receives approximately 9% payout Amazon commissions every month. If you use their modules to promote Amazon products on your lenses, Squidoo will split the commissions with you 50%. By the way, if you need the extra ranking on your lenses, use Squidoo’s affiliate Amazon modules because this can actually improve your ranks with Squidoo every time you make a sale. Squidoo does this because it is to their benefit to rank your site higher as you are making them money. There are six different Amazon modules that can be used inside of each lens. If you just want the higher commission rates then use your OWN Amazon associate ID for promoting any and all products within your lenses, but it is not necessary. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK