SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - Reasons Your Lens Can Be Locked Most people give Squidoo a try at some point. What usually happens is they don't take the time to familiarize themselves with some of the most common reasons why Squidoo may decide to lock their lenses. Squidoo is very specific on its policies have provided a list of exactly why a marketer may get their lenses locked or even unpublished. Here are the most common reasons Squidoo says the majority of lenses get un-published for: 1. The lens is about a SquidDon’t topic that we can’t allow on the site. 2. The lens exists solely as an affiliate program lens, or engages in some sort of article spinning, rather than being original opinion content. 3. The lens has plagiarized content. 4. The lens breaks any other elements of our content policies and TOS, ranging from keyword stuffing, content spamming, redirects, low quality, cloned lenses, hate lenses, lenses that violate our partner’s TOS and more. 5. The lens has aggressively duplicated content, and very little original, unique content written by you. 6. The lens is not in English and we cannot support complaints or spam suspicions about it. So, after reading through this material, you still believe that your lens was locked in error, here’s what you can do. Recent TOS changes now have Squidoo wanting you to keep your linked lenses to a maximum of nine per single domain. I wouldn’t suggest any more than 6 linking to any one external (your) domain. You can safely use the Discovery Tool to embed up to 6 of your related lenses. Lenses full of useless content and dozens of links pointing to affiliate pages are a NO NO. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK