SUBJECT: Start Making Decisions Lesson #2 - The 5 Tools {!firstname_fix} We have five different tools for making our decisions. With these five mental tools, decisions can be made easily, quickly and effectively. You can use these five tools to become confident in all of the choices you make. 1. Parameters - requirements. - what are the things I need? - What exactly am I looking for? 2. Policy - Rule - eg. No physical products, no exceptions. - Lunch at 12pm everyday 3. Analysis - Logical Thinking - Good planning 4. Judgement - Taking in the facts and making your decision 5. Synthesis - Creating - creating scenarios in your head - Can I do this with any of my 5 tools? Remember, not all decisions are necessary. Decisions that won't have long term consequences, don't have to be disputed over! Why waste time? Why waste your brain energy if your previously made Parameters can take care of the decisions for you? Your 5 Tools can help you everyday with making decisions the right way. The first step is to find these tools and put them to good use! In my video training, I teach you how to create parameters you can use for everyday decision making. I'll be back with more great tips on how you can make decisions the right way, or if you're in a hurry and don't want to wait for tomorrow's course check out my website today. To your success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK