SUBJECT: Start Making Decisions Lesson #3 - Blueprinting {!firstname_fix} Would you teach math the same way to Kindergarteners, High-schoolers, or College Students? Of course you wouldn't, each of these individual groups is going to require a totally different approach when it comes to learning math at the level that each of these groups is looking for and needs. The same holds true for problem solving. As you've already learned you have 5 tools to help you solve your easier problems quicker. Now, to solve some of the harder and tougher decisions you might have, we are going to talk about blueprinting. You couldn't build a housing complex or an apartment building without blueprints. The same goes for the tough decisions you need to make. To make your blueprint you must state your problem and try to write it out. Can you state you problem in one paragraph? After you state your problem, you must gather enough information to effectively solve your problem. Is time a factor? Do you have a deadline? If you have 10 hours to solve a problem, take about 2 hours to do your research. Intuition is your next factor it takes to make the right decision. With intuition you can always feel confident in the solutions you come to. You will never have to second guess. You need intuition to make the right choice and to know you made the best choice possible. If you are lacking in intuition you need to make the decisions you want and make the right choices, you can train yourself and gain the intuition you need to make these tough decisions. Be sure you take notes so you can remember what to focus on in when you make your decisions. I'll be back with more great tips on how you can make your decisions the right decisions, or if you're in a hurry and don't want to wait for tomorrow's course check out my website today. To your success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK