SUBJECT: Start Making Decisions Lesson #4 - Right Brain Thinker {!firstname_fix} Everybody is considered either a left, or right brain thinker. We are going to become right brainers. The left hand side of you brain is all logic, but the right side, that's where the magic happens. The right side of the brain is responsible for a persons creativity. Studies show that when a person is given a problem, the right hemisphere reacts 4/10 of a second faster. You've only got that 4/10 of a second to make the magic happen. Here are some things to consider. * Most people are left brain thinkers * Stress shuts down the right brain * Work hard to relax the right brain * Exercising and naps help a lot Creative daydreaming is a great way to think of possible solutions and helping to stimulate your right brain. Imagine yourself finding the solution to your problem. You can even use role models. Imagine What your role model would do in that situation. A lot of times, you too can do the same thing! I'll be back with more great tips on how you can make your decisions the right decisions, or if you're in a hurry and don't want to wait for tomorrow's course check out my website today. To your success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK