SUBJECT: Start Making Decisions Lesson #5 - Mapping It Out {!firstname_fix} So, how do you logically solve a problem? Is there any easy step by step process? Fortunately for you, there is, and I am going to show you how. The first tool may sound silly, but it works and helps to stimulate your brain. Flipping a coin is a great way of doing this, but here's the catch, you flip the coin first and after it lands, you must assign one of the choices to that side. This will help you figure out your pros and cons to each choice you have and then you will weigh out the benefits! Next, you can create a checklist. This will help you to map out everything you need done in a orderly fashion and it will help you complete all of your decision making tasks in a timely manner. Quantifed evaluations also work very well when it comes to solving our problems. Make 2 columns... Pros and Cons eg. Buying a Guitar Pros Cons 1.Materials 1.Price 2.Tone 2.Availability 3.Quality 3.Finish Rate each of the groups on a 1-10 scale. Add it up and divide by the factors to find out which outweighs the others. Lastly, you could take the multiple choice approach. Map out each choice and give it a number. How well does each choice score on a 1-10 scale? Remember this is simply a tool to help you decide what's more important for you to do. There are many more tools you can apply in your life. Start Making Decisions is a home study course dedicated to helping you become the best version of yourself. It's more than just making decisions, it's about achieving a life goal and working towards it every day. Be sure to visit the main site and we'll go through everything you need to know about making smart decisions that will guide you through your life. To your success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK