re: 6 Steps to Get Traffic, Leads and Sales with Your Own Forum RE: Bullied by PPC networks and quality scores? Create your *OWN* traffic... REMINDER: How to Start a Successful Traffic-Getting Forum in YEAR! (details inside...) re: Got no traffic? Create it! (start your own forum...) Here's a thought... Why do the search engines rank your website?... Simple. Because it believes you website has content that's useful to the end user, the visitor. Now you could go ahead and create lots of fresh new content for your website, invest 100s of hours and $1000s on writers... Or you could have other people willingly do the work for you... and for FREE! How you ask?... By starting your own forum! YOUR LINK?l Forums are a great place for like minded individuals to hang out. People love helping each other out and have plenty to say. All that is precious unique content that you can monetize! See where I'm going?... However the idea of starting a forum may sound like a big challenge. You may have thoughts like... * How do I create a forum from scratch? * How do I know if my niche is going to be profitable or not? * Do I need to hire out a programmer? * What sort of revenue can I expect and where from? * How much traffic can I get? * What's the best way to monetize my forum? * Do I have to administrate the forum myself? * Do I have to consider SEO for my forum? * And more... Worry not. Starting a forum doesn't have to be complicated and you don't need to have tens of thousands of members to get things started. In fact you can get started right now with open source software and a little know which is revealed in this course... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME