How to Install a OSTicket Support Desk (step-by-step...) 8 Step Plan to Install Support Desk System (and keep things organized...) How to Setup and Install Support Desk (to keep your emails organized in YEAR...) So you start the day full of enthusiasm. You’re excited about a new piece of creative work and itching to put your ideas into action. Firing up your computer, the familiar stream of e-mails pours into your inbox, burying the ones you didn’t get round to replying to yesterday. Scanning through the list, your heart sinks.. Two of them look as though they require urgent action. You hit ‘reply’ and start typing a response to one of them... 20 minutes later you come round’ and realise you’ve got sucked into the e-mail zone and have been sidetracked by interesting links sent by friends, as well as writing replies about issues that aren’t a priority for you. You minimize the email window and get back to your project... Does this sound familiar to you?.. Fortunately there is a way to get through your day without all the email hassles and that's with the help of your own support desk. With it, you can outsource virtual agents or you can check them yourself whilst knowing which emails require urgent attention, which one is just chit-chat and which ones to leave aside. Having a system in place can save you time. Precious time. And time save is money earned. Follow the link below to see how to set up your own support desk to reduce the time you spend tinkering with emails!.. YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME