ENDS SOON! How to Install a OSTicket Support Desk (step-by-step...) LAST CALL: 8 Step Plan to Install Support Desk System (and keep things organized...) *CLOSING DOWN* How to Setup and Install Support Desk (to keep your emails organized in YEAR...) This is just a quick reminder that the offer for the Support Desk System video tutorials is about to come to an end... YOUR LINK?l=1 If you sell products online, no doubt you'll get pre-sale questions, after-sales questions, general comments, requests and other emails on a daily basis... It can get hectic and stessful at times so it makes sense to keep all your emails organized into one system that filters messages, allows you to respond with pre-written replies, add virtual assistants and more... Support Desk System will show you how to install a freely available customer support system script in just less than 60 minutes. Here's a quick run down of what's involved... Module #1 - What You'll Need In this lesson you'll be shown where to get the free script, and then install it manually on your server. These include uploading of the script files using an ftp client and creating the MySQL database that is needed for this script to work. Module #2 - Preparation Here you'll be shown the steps of uploading the script files using cPanel File Manager without the need to use a 3rd party ftp client. Module #3 - The Admin Area In this lesson you'll be shown a general overview of the admin area. This will be the area where you will configure the settings of your script. Module #4 - Email Settings In this lesson you'll be guided through email setting section. Here you'll be able to know how to work with the email settings in the admin area. Module #5 - Creating Departments In this lesson you'll learn how to create the department, specify the number of staff and creating the help topics. This is great for delegating repetitive tasks and gives you room to work on more important areas of your business. Module #6 - Knowledge Base In this lesson you'll be shown how to work with the knowledgebase section. Module #7 - Branding In this lesson you'll be shown how to change the logo on the header of the main page of the script to change the look and feel of the system from your customer's perspective. Module #8 - Main Page Edit In this lesson you'll be shown how to edit the main page of the support ticket system. This is where your prospects and customers will go to each time they want to open up a support ticket. Full details in the link below... YOUR LINK?l=1 To Your Success! YOUR NAME P.S. This will be the last email you'll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says 'closed' it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it's taken down for good! Don't forget that ALL your purchases are kept within a secured members area. This means you'll never lose your products and can conveniently access them any time, any where and from any device. Simply log into your customer account and everything will be there for you.