SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - Be 'Orderly' To Be Creative... {!firstname_fix} I'll take a quote from Gustave Flaubert which sums what I'm about to say nicely.. "Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work." Examine the life of any successful marketer and you will find evidence of hard work, discipline and perseverance. Traits which would not be possible it they spent 1-2 hours a day browsing the web and sorting out emails. So what's the solution?.. Prioritize your work. Focus on the urgent and important tasks, things that need to be done now which would make a difference, and put the hobbies and leisure time behind. With the help of a support desk system, you'll be able to manage your time and priorities a lot better. Follow the link below to see how to set up your own support desk to reduce the time you spend tinkering with emails!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME