SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - How To Get More Done In A Day {!firstname_fix} The way you manage your time online has a direct effect on the money you make online. As they say, time IS money. The time freedom your online business affords you can be both a blessing and a curse. The power is in your hands to use it wisely - or to waste it. The following tips contain several good habits of successful internet marketers - habits YOU can make your own... • If you are a morning person, wake up earlier than usual. If you're a night owl make use of quiet time after everyone else has gone to bed. Just knowing that you are not going to be interrupted makes a world of difference. • Plan out your day the night before. Decide what you need to work on and how much time you can afford to give to it. Some successful marketers use Mind Maps - drawing out what you plan to achieve and how you will get there. • Complete your biggest, most productive task of the day FIRST - before you check your emails or your stats. This will begin a flow of productivity and you'll feel great! • Get out of the house for a while. Do some form of exercise or just enjoy a cup of coffee. Connecting with the outside world will prevent that feeling of isolation online marketers often struggle with. • Spend time every day building relationships with positive, like-minded people online. This is a WE business - you will not make it alone. Make sure you give plenty of time to your subscribers too. • Use your most alert, creative time of day to write and create content, whether that is early in the morning or late at night. Develop these skills and I guarantee that you will see a huge improvement in your time management online. Your productivity will improve more than you could ever have believed - along with your bank balance! Follow the link below to see how to set up your own support desk to reduce the time you spend tinkering with emails and get more out of your day!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME